sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2008


"(...) And all of a sudden she knew
the answer to her question all to well
lf she had acted like them
she could not have defended
a single one of her actions
and could not have condemned
them harshly enough

lt was as if her sorrow and pain
finally assumed their rightful place


What they had done
was not good enough
And if one had the power
to put it to rights,
it was one's duty to do so
for the sake of the other towns
For the sake of humanity
And not least
for the sake of the human being
that was Grace herself (...)"
Dogville - 2003

2 comentários:

TALES FREY disse...


Luiza Gannibal disse...

Eu tb Tales... Assim pra fechar o ano: Grace. bj.